
PLATI Sponsorship Program

Everyone is uniquely made.


First of all, we are grateful that you love PLATI. As an emerging brand, we wish to enhance our brand culture with the spirits of skateboarding.




PLATI Sponsorship Program


Well, now we make this part a little bit different. As long as you are willing to represent PLATI, you are welcome to join our community.

To apply you must meet following criteria:


I. Have a public Instagram/TikTok account

II. Able to film clips, tag our social media, and send them to us

III. Agree and like PLATI brand culture


There are 3 levels of programs based on your skateboarding skills:


I. PLATI beginner program

II. THATKID skaters team

III. PLATI future star



            PLATI beginners program


PLATI beginners program is simply to encourage more people to start riding a board and maintain a sustainable skateboarding community.

If you are a real beginner and thinking to start skating, we will conditionally offer you a complete skateboard for FREE.


To apply:

I. Purchase a complete skateboard from PLATI with 50% off code “PLATIBEGINNER” as a deposit.

II. Keep tagging our social media on Instagram or TikTok @plati.com.au, to show us your progresses.

III. If you made a kickflip within 3 months from the purchase date, we will fully refund the deposit to you. 



            THATKID skaters team


THATKID skaters team has built a great culture in the youth skaters’ community. This team is for those who are skating frequently, has achieved good skateboarding skills, and are willing to represent PLATI.


Message our Instagram account @plait.com.au or email to plati@plati.com.au:


I. Your birthday(d/m/y)/location

II. At least 5 of your recent best clips

III. Why do you like PLATI?


What you will get:


I. One skateboard deck each month.

II. Free PLATI team t-shirt for representing the brand.

III. Free entry to PLATI team/sponsored events.


How to redeem a new deck:

I. Add @plati.com.au to your bio.

II. Tag or mention PLATI social media at least 3 times a month.

III. Send us 4 new good clips at the time of replacing a new deck.



            PLATI Future Star


PLATI Future Star is for those who have extraordinary skills on skateboarding, aim to be professional, and are interested in representing PLATI for the long term at the same time.

We will discuss about the supports we can offer, as well as our expectations on you. We will put more of our resources on PLATI future stars. Including commercial opportunities, career planning, and financial support.





PLATI Talents Collaboration Policy


If you can’t skate but like our culture, PLATI welcomes everyone who has talents to use your talents to redeem our products. We love the talents such as art design, photography, modelling, music production, video editing, storytelling, vlogs, Influencers, etc.

To apply please send below information to plati@plati.com.au or direct message our Instagram account @plati.com.au.


*If you are under 16 years old, we may need your guardian’s permission for any collaboration.




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